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The Character Sheet

(Just delete anything in parenthesis, as they're simply character generation notes. Fill this in and send it on back when you're done.)


Character Name:

Race: (As in human, elf, twilek, etc)


Dimension of Origin: (Star Wars, original content 1950s alternate earth with magic, Legend of Zelda, Sailor Moon, The Dark Crystal, etc.)


Stats (No point buy system or anything like that. Just give them 1-15 with each stat. 5-6 is human average. This is all elaborated on further below in "How do I create a character?" Feel free to have a few stats in the teens, as there's a reason the Keeper's chosen them as a Champion. I have final review of the stats you come up with though, and if I feel they're a bit overpowered I'll tone them down and run them back by you.)




Backstory and Personal History:





Skills (1-15 Scale, be as descriptive as possible for anything that isn't general. If it isn't listed then don't tell me your character is also a crack mechanic in the middle of a mission.):


Powers (1-15 Scale, be as descriptive as possible for all powers/spells. If it isn't listed then don't tell me your character also knows the proper rituals for summoning fire elementals in the middle of a mission.):


Equipment (That they'd have on them when they get herded into the maze. Again, don't make a post detailing your character's ancestral enchanted dagger in the middle of a mission when you only listen them arriving with a laptop and a handgun.):


Stat Details/Descriptions (Optional, but helpful. Note the number, why it's set at that, and any specific training/anomalies):


Strength #:

Agility #:

Hand-to-Hand #:

Accuracy #:

Toughness #:

Stamina #:

Intelligence #:

Perception #:

Willpower #:

Charisma #:

This better not be freeform!

Or, How do I create a character?

The Mazeworks uses a 0-20 system for characteristics. 0 being the lowest possible (nonfunctional), 20 being the highest possible. Please note, because it's the highest possible does not mean that you can create characters with 20s in every stat. A balanced character might (and I mean might) have a few stats in the mid teens. Maybe. Here's how it works.

Human average is 6. That is the 100 point on a bell curve. Each point up or down is a standard deviation from the norm. Thus, a 4 is -2 standard deviation, a score of 10 is +2 standard deviations. A 20 would therefore be +14 standard deviations from human norm. Impossible in this reality for anything other than Gods and other Higher Dimensional entities; which are unable to even interact with the Maze.

Using IQs as an example, here would be the breakdown

0-20     IQ Range    Description
0     0 - 10      Non-functioning
1     10 - 25            Profound to Severe Retardation
2     25 - 40            Severe to Moderate Retardation
3     40 - 55            Moderate to Mild Retardation
4     55 - 70            Mild to Borderline Retardation
5    70 - 85            Below Average to Borderline Retardation
6    85 - 115    Human Average Range
7    115 - 130    Above Average to Borderline Gifted
8    130 - 145    Gifted
9    145 - 160    High to Very High
10    160 - 175    Very High to Pervasive
11    175 - 190    Pervasive to Exceptional
12    190 - 205    Uppermost Normal Human Limit
13    205 - 220    
14    220 - 235    
15    235 - 250    Uppermost Fictional Human Limit
16    250 - 285    
17    285 - 300    
18    300 - 315    God like (literally)
19    315 - 330    
20    330 ++++    Beyond the Scale

1 is the pits, representing a profound deficiency in the measured area, to the extent that it affects almost everything in that character's life. 2 or 3 is subpar, but the person can usually work around a score of this level. 4 or 5 is average for human, most professionals have score of 6 in one score, and  8 is really noteworthy. With a score of 8 you can make easily make a comfortable living. Lawyers or doctors would typically have an 8 intelligence. A ten is the cream of the crop. A police sniper has a 10 marksmanship, a major league ballplayer has a 10 agility.  12 is exceptional (you've probably never met anyone with a 12. It's like an 18 or 19 in D&D). Someone who sets a new world record in the Olympics might have a 12 agility and/or strength. Someone who wins one of the Nobel Prizes might have a 12 intelligence.  15 is pushing superhuman. Maybe one in ten billion people has a score of 15 in anything. Annie Oakley could shoot pictures in playing cards thrown in the air, with her rifle over her shoulder. Sherlock Holmes could tell intimate details about a person moments after meeting them. If you saw them in real life you'd have to assume that some kind of trick was involved. If you read about them in a book, you'd just assume that it was fictional or highly exaggerated, at the very least.
Strength - measures lifting stuff, breaking stuff, hitting people.
0 = Jellyfish
2 = infirmed
4 = out of shape
6 = average Joe or Joan
8 = Person who uses their muscles for a living (construction)
10 = weightlifter
11 = Championship Weight lifter
12 = Mister Universe
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Spiderman, Captain America)
16 = Super Strong (Thing, Sasquatch)  
18 = Super Super Strong (Thor, Hulk)
20 = Superman and beyond
Intelligence - The result of the cumulative pressures of environment and natural aptitude. How smarts you be.
0 = A block of wood
2 = Developmentally Disabled
4 = Functional, but a bit slow
6 = average Joe or Joan
8 = Person who uses their brains for a living (scientist, professor)
10 = Leading Researcher/Thinking in a field
12 = Nobel Prize Winner (Tesla, Newton)
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Reid Richards, Doctor Doom, Dr. Morbius, Buckaroo Banzai)
16 = Wintermute, Neuroscope, The Doctor, Dr. Tachyon.
18 = Need someone super duper smart here.
20 = Deep Thought

Toughness - Your ability to take a beating/general hardiness. Pretty much that's it.
0 = Wet tissue paper
2 = Someone with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
4 = Bruises easily. Hemophiliac
6 = average Joe or Joan
8 = Tough guy. Marathon Runner, Dedicated Martial Artist
10 = UFC Fighter, Olympic Runner
12 = Olympic Caliber Martial Artist
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (The Thing, Betty from Kung Pow)
16 = Bullet Proof (Chuck Norris)
18 = Immune to just about everything.
20 = Totally impervious (superman)

Agility - How quickly you move, how coordinated you are, manual dexterity.
0 = An anvil
2 = Wheelchair bound
4 = Clumsy, accident prone
6 = average Joe or Joan
8 = Recreational athlete
10 = Professional athlete
12 = Olympic gymnast
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Molly Millions)
16 = Air Elemental
18 = The Flash. The Whizzer. Berthold
20 = Able to travel FTL unaided.

Hand-to-Hand - Your overall skill in a fight, with melee weapons or your feet and fists.
0 = A tackle dummie
2 = West Side Story gang member
4 = Average Joe or Joan (most folks do not know how to fight after all)
6 = Police. Some martial arts training (1-2 years)
8 = Average black belt. Military Police.
10 = Professional fighter. Fantasy warrior. Hong Kong Cinema Kung Fu.
12 = Master of a style. Best of the best reality has to offer (Tyson, Jackie Chang, etc�)
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Molly Millions, Iron Fist, Lady Shiva)
16 = Neo.
18 =  
20 =   

Accuracy - Your talent with missile weapons, be it a thrown rock or a laser pistol.
0 = A box of marzipan
2 = No training but can aim and shoot - may hit with shotgun
4 = Average Joe or Joan (most folks do not know how to shoot after all)
6 = Police. Active military.
8 = Average black belt. Military Police.
10 = Special Forces. Sniper Scout. .
12 = Best reality has to offer (Annie Oakley, Sgt. York)
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Roland of Gilead, Bullseye. Green Arrow. Hawkeye)
16 =   
18 =  Aldolphus
20 =   

Stamina - How healthy you are, the duration for which you can exert yourself, resistance to toxins, things along that line.
0 = A narcoleptic slug with Ebola
2 = A narcoleptic three-toed sloth
4 = Overweight and under exercised (most gamers)
6 = Average Joe or Joan
8 = Daily runner/work outer
10 = Marathon runner.
12 = Best reality has to offer (Bruce Willis in Die Hard)
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Rasputin, John Henry)
16 = 'slow' regeneration. Some immunities (Captain Jack)
18 = Wolverine like regeneration
20 =  Instantaneous regeneration. Immune to everything.

Willpower - Reflects willpower, sense of self-identity, control and discipline. (The discipline you CAN exert, not necessarily the discipline you do exert.) The stat we use to gauge magical aptitude/power for spellcasting characters.
0 = A used bit of tissue paper
2 = Doormat. Love struck submissive. Twilight Bella.
4 = Naive and easily conned.
6 = Average Joe or Joan
8 = Stubborn.
10 = CIA trained in resisting torture (G. Gordon Liddy) .
12 = Best reality has to offer ()
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Batman, Doc Strange)
16 = Green Lanterns
18 =  
20 =   

Perception - How in tune the character is to the world around them.
0 = A brick
2 = Mr. Furley. Guards in Fist Full Of Yen
4 = Naive and easily conned.
6 = Average Joe or Joan
8 = Police detective. Psychotherapist.  
10 = CIA trained interrogator .
12 = Best reality has to offer () TV Detectives.
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Sherlock Holmes. Daredevil)
16 = The Doctor
18 =  
20 =   

Charisma - Not merely charm, but the ability to get people to do what you want while making them think it's their own idea. This can take various forms, be it charm, intimidation or manipulation.
0 = A wet pile of whatzit
2 = Marjorie the Trash Heap
4 = Ugarte. Gonzo the Great.
6 = Average Joe or Joan
8 = Grifter (short con). Escorts. Models. Spokespersons.
10 = Professional Conman (Danny Ocean). Top models/spokespersons. Marilyn Monroe. Professional hypnotist.
12 = Best reality has to offer (David Koresh. Joan of Arc. Martin Luther King Jr.).
14 -15 = Fictional Apex (Ulysses. King Arthur. Helen of Troy. Bugs Bunny)
16 =   Hathor (SG-1)
18 = Loki. The Greek Charities.
20 = The direct word of God (if it doesn't kill you).


So what would an acceptable character submission look like?


Strength 12
Agility 12
Hand-to-Hand 8 (14 with sword)
Accuracy 4
Toughness 12
Stamina 10
Intelligence 8
Perception 8
Willpower 12
Charisma 8


Utsutsu could be the best swordsman to have ever breathed, especially
considering he is blind.  Although one of the eight devils of Kimon, he
fights with honor.


Average height, muscular, long jet black hair.


Master of the daito.  Blind fighting.  Nearly impossible to beat in one on
one combat when he is in posession of his sword.

Powers: Super keen hearing.  Though his perception is listed at 8, Utsutsu
will hear any sound that is detectable within audible range, no matter how

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